Carlinville High School/ Middle School Campus and Pollinator Gardens
Carlinville Middle School/High School Campus and Pollinator Gardens (829 West Main Street)
The Carlinville High School building was built in 1923. A portion of the school was destroyed by fire on September 13, 1987. The exterior walls were not affected by the fire and the new classrooms were built within those walls keeping the exterior look of the High School the same, much to the delight of the CHS alumni.
The gardens at the Carlinville High School/Middle School were planted by students, seniors and other volunteers in 2020 and 2021. There are seven locations were native plants including milkweeds, asters, bee balm and other bee, bird, and butterfly favorites are a part of the landscape across the campus. The gardens are used as outdoor science labs and to provide nectar and habitat for pollinating insects and birds.
“Make Carlinville Beautiful” was awarded the Trees Forever Volunteer Award of the Year in 2020 for their city wide efforts in planting new native trees and shrubs. Shortly after that recognition, the group received the Illinois Governor’s Home Town Award.
Carlinville High School in 1924
Carlinville High School Fire 1987
Continue west through the High School Parking lot, cross West Main at stoplight.