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Carlinville Public Library

Library Policies

The following policies govern how we use our library.

Meeting Room Policy

The Carlinville Public Library has a meeting room with seating for forty in an auditorium style arrangement.  The meeting room may be made available for use by members of the public.  Organizations not affiliated with the Carlinville Public Library may use the meeting room only when all the following conditions are met:

The room should be reserved in advance by calling or visiting the library for confirmation of available date and time.  Dates cannot be scheduled more than a year in advance;

Cancellations should be made promptly, or a fee may be charged to the group;

The meeting room is not available at times when the main library is closed to the public;

The organization using these facilities must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and is responsible for providing qualified interpreters or auxiliary aids upon request. (IMPACT CIL, 2735 E. Broadway, Alton, IL 62002, telephone 618-474-5314);

The organization agrees to indemnify and hold the Library harmless from any and all claims, suits, damages, costs, losses and expenses in any manner resulting from or arising out of the organization's use of the room.  The Library reserves the right to require a certificate of insurance.

Nothing may be attached to the walls or ceiling;

The telephone in the meeting room is not for the use of attendees, it is for library business only;

No smoking or alcoholic beverages are allowed in the meeting room;

No group may store equipment or materials in the library without the librarian's permission.  The Library is not responsible for loss or damage to any equipment or materials owned or rented by a group in the meeting room;

At the end of every meeting, the group is responsible for placing the room in the condition existing before the meeting began;

An adult must supervise children who do not stay in the meeting room.  The children should leave the books they take from the shelves on a table-not on the floor or randomly on a shelf.  The children should put away the toys when they are finished with them;

The Library Board neither approves or disapproves of the contents of programs or points of view of groups using the meeting room;

The Library Board reserves the right to refuse meeting room rental at its discretion;

Any deviation from this policy could result in the responsible group being denied further use of the room;

This policy may be changed by the Library Board at any time (Updated 8/6/2016);

These is a fee of $5.00 per meeting for accredited not-for profit groups;  $25.00 for patrons using it for non-business purposes;  $75.00 for for-profit businesses.  An additional $10.00 will be charged for use of the kitchen.

Patron Conduct

If a patron is creating a disturbance (i.e. talking loudly, making excessive noise, using abusive or threatening language), interfering with another person's ability to use the facilities in appropriate and approved manners, causing problems in the library or on library property, the library staff has the authority or right to tell the patron to leave the library and its grounds.  If that patron refuses to comply and continues to cause problems, the police will then be contacted to eject the patron from the library and its grounds.  Unruly patrons/visitors may have library privileges suspended temporarily at the librarian's discretion.

By Illinois State law:  the library is a non-smoking (this includes e-cigarettes in all forms) campus and concealed carry is not permitted. 

No food or drink allowed without prior approval.

Unattended Children

Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children while the children are in the library or on library property.  The Carlinville Public Library staff is committed to help children with activities related to the library.  However, library staff cannot, nor is it their responsibility, to serve as babysitters, teachers, or disciplinarians.  Violations of this policy are grounds for suspension of library privileges.  Whenever possible, the library will notify parents of incidents involving an unattended child.

Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied and directly supervised at all times by a parent or other responsible caregiver.  When the safety of an unattended child is in doubt, or the parent cannot be located, or if the library is closing, library staff are authorized to call the police and stay with the child until the police arrive.

From time to time the library provides programs which are designed and suitable for attendance by children without parental supervision.  Such program announcements will so indicate and if no indication is included the supervision is required.  When so indicated, if the parent or caregiver intends to be absent, they must leave word as to their whereabouts and a phone number where they or a responsible adult can be contacted.

Illinois Freedom of Information Act

I.  A brief description of our public body is as follows:

A.  Our purpose is to provide materials and services for the recreational, social, informational, and educational needs of the community.

B.  An organizational chart is attached.

C.  Funding sources are property and personal property replacement taxes, state and federal grants, fines, charges, and donations.  Tax levies are:

1.  Corporate purposes (for general operating expenditures)

2.  IMRF (provides for employee's retirement and related expenses)

3.  Social Security (provides for employee's FICA costs and related expenses)

4.  Audit (for annual audit and related expenses)

5.  Maintenance (for maintaining the building)

6   Tort Liability (for insurance premiums, risk management, attorney's fees and related expenses, unemployment and worker's compensation insurance)

D.  The office is located at this address: 

510 North Broad Street, Carlinville, IL 62626

E.  We have the following number of persons employed:

Full time   3

Part time  5

F.  Budget for 2021-2022:


G.  The following organization exercises control over our policies and procedures: 

The Carlinville Public Library Board of Trustees,

which meets monthly on the first Monday of each month, 4:30 p.m., at the Library (unless otherwise noted).

Its members are:

Kris Rosentreter, President;  Polly Eldred, Vice President;  Jenna Rosentreter, Treasurer;  Dana Yowell, Secretary;  Margaret Fehr, Rosemary Clark, Tom Emery, Diane Aikin, and Elizabeth Burdell,Trustees.

H.  We are required to report and be answerable for our operations to:

Illinois State Library,

Springfield, Illinois.  Its members are:

State Librarian, Alexi Giannoulias (Secretary of State); Acting Deputy Director of Illinois State Library, Greg McCormick;  and various other staff.

II.  You may request the information and the records available to the public in the following manner:

A.  Use request form or submit your own written request. (see attached)

B.  Your request should be directed to the following individual:

Carla Brockmeier, FOIA officer, located in Carlinville City Hall-550 N. Broad St.

C.  You must specify the records requested to be disclosed for inspection or to be copied.  If you desire that any records be certified, you must specify which ones. 

D.  To reimburse us our costs for reproducing and certifying (if requested) the records, you will be charged the following fees:

There is no charge for the first 50 pages of black and white text, either letter or legal size.  There is a $.15 per page charge for copied records in excess of 50 pages.  The actual copying cost of color copies and other sized copies will be charged.  $1.00 per page for certification records.

E.  The office will respond to a written request within five (5) working days or sooner if possible.  An extension of an additional five (5) working days may be necessary to properly respond.

F.  Records may be inspected or copied.  If inspected, an employee must be present throughout the inspection.

G.  If the records are kept in electronic format, you may request a specific format in which they are kept

H.  The place and times where the records will be available are as follows:

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

Carlinville Public Library, Administrative Offices

III.  Certain types of information maintained by us are exempt from inspection and copying.  However, the following types or categories of records are maintained under our control:

A.  Monthly Financial Statements

B.  Annual Receipts and Disbursements Reports

C.  Budget and Appropriation Ordinances

D.  Levy Ordinances

E.  Operation Budgets

F.  Annual Audits

G.  Minutes of the Board of Library Trustees

H.  Library Policies, including Materials Selection

I.  Annual Reports to the Illinois State Library

Organizational Chart/Nine Member Board

 Board of Library Trustees (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee)

President/Library Board of Trustees

Library Director

Reference, Circulation, Technical Services


Freedom of Information Request

Requestor's name and phone number _______________________ Date __________


Certification Requested ____yes ____no

City________________State___ Zip Code____

Description of records requested: ______________________________________





Library Response (requestor does not fill in below this line)

(  ) 

The documents requested are enclosed

(  )

  The documents will be made available upon payment of copying cost of $_________

(  )

  You may inspect the records at ___________________________ on the date of ____________.


  The request creates an undue burden on the public body in accordance with Section 3 or the FOIA and we are unable to negotiate a more reasonable request.

(  ) 

The materials requested are exempt under Section 7____ of the FOIA for the following reasons:_______________________________




(  )  Request delayed, for the following reasons (in accordance with 3(d) of the FOIA):  ______________________________________



This form cannot be MANDATORY  under FOIA, but it is preferred.  Failure to use it may result in the request not being properly or promptly processed.

FOIA Officer____________________________

Date ________