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Carlinville Public Library

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the monthly Board Meetings are available upon request at the Library Administrative Office, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.  The approved minutes for the last three meetings are:


January 2024 Library Board Minutes

February 2024 Library Board Minutes

March 2024 Library Board Minutes

April 2024 Library Board Minutes

May 2024 Library Board Minutes

June 2024 Library Board Minutes

July 2024 Library Board Minutes

August 2024 Library Board Minutes

September 2024 Library Board Minutes

October 2024 Library Board Minutes

November 2024 Library Board Minutes

December 2024 Library Board Minutes


December 4, 2023

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, December 4 2023. President Rosentreter called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Peg Fehr, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Diane Aikin, Rosemary Clark and Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

Public Comments and Correspondence: None

The regular minutes of the November 6 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. The minutes were approved as submitted by a unanimous voice vote.
A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. CPA Angela Verticchio completed the library’s portion of the audit this month. A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Fehr with a unanimous roll call vote that the treasurer's report and paying of bills be accepted..



REVIEW CHAPTERS OF SERVING OUR PUBLIC: STANDARDS FOR ILLINOIS LIBRARIES 4.0 as PART OF THE QUALIFICATIONS FOR 2024 PER CAPITA GRANT At the January meeting Zeidler, Clark and Rush will present more Chapters of the Illinois Standards.

Jared Ruyle has trimmed all of the bushes outside of the library. The City had called Director Miller stating that people have been hiding in the overgrown bushes.
8 new library cards were made in November. 2,509 total physical items were checked out with an additional 418 e-resources checked out on Libby. Carlinville Library has 143 unique users on Libby now.
Storytime remains popular, with 64 kids and their caregivers attending the four sessions in November.
25 kids and adults attended the All About Pokemon Cards event Saturday, November 4th. Game-store owner, Justin Ott, was good with the kids, and I think everyone had a good time.
Andrew Holsinger’s lecture on Pollinator Gardens had 11 attendees. Mark Glenshaw returned for the third time in 20 months to give another great lecture on the owls in Forest Park. 32 people attended.
Hananah Crawford attended the annual Family reading Night at Carlinville Primary School November 14. Hannah read three stories to the groups from 5:30-700 PM.
CHS Senior, Adelle Hammann, volunteered to help put up holiday decorations to fulfill a community outreach assignment for her Civics class.
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell

November 6, 2023
The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, November 6, 2023. President Rosentreter called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Carl Ziedler, Peg Fehr, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Diane Aikin, Sue Rush, Rosemary Clark and Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

Public Comments and Correspondence: Rosemary Clark commended Director Miller on the many fine presentations held at the library. Clark asked if it was possible to purchase a microphone to ensure that all participants are able to hear the presenters. Director Miller said she would look into the cost. Clark noted she would be happy to pay for the microphone.
President Rosentreter noted he had been reviewing Robert’s Rule of Order and will be instituting some minor changes in how he conducts future meetings and how motions will be written in the minutes.

The regular minutes of the October 2 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. The minutes were approved as submitted by a unanimous voice vote.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. The library has received the 2nd disbursement of property taxes. Zeidler noted our Treasury Bonds are growing nicely with a beneficial interest rate. A motion was moved by Aikin and seconded that the treasurer's report and paying of bills be accepted.. The motion carried with 9 in favor and 0 against.

PLAW POLICY COMMITTEE U{DATE: The committee presented an updated policy to the Board regarding paid leave to be aligned with a new state law. Aikin volunteered to write the language and presented the policy to the board for discussion. Sick leave remained the same while part time workers vacation time was minimally increased. Moved by Zeidler and seconded that the motion be passed. The motion carried with 9 in favor and 0 against.

QUIET STUDY ROOM COMMITTEE POLICY REVIEW: Rush and Emery discussed their thoughts on a solution of how much time may be spent in the Quiet Study Room. They suggest a sign be posted outside of the door of the room that there will be a 2 hour time limit. People may still reserve the room as before. More discussion will be held at our January meeting.

CHRISTMAS PARTY UPDATES: A sign up sheet was passed around for what side dishes members will contribute to the meal of Italian pork loin, mashed potatoes and gravy prepared by Bobby Whitlock at the Anchor Inn. Each Board member will also bring 2 dozen Christmas cookies to share.


Yowell reviewed and reported on Chapter 2, Governance and Administration; Emery reviewed and reported on Chapter 10, Programming and Chapter 13, Marketing, Promotion and Collaboration; Aikin reviewed and presented Chapter 12, Technology; Fehr reviewed and reported on Chapter 7, Collection Management. Discussion was held after each presentation.

APPROVE 2024 LIBRARY DATES CLOSED AND BOARD MEETINGS: Miller presented dates for the 2024 Board meetings. A motion was moved by Emery and seconded that dates be accepted. The motion carried with 9 in favor and 0 against. Director Miller’s proposed library closed dates to the Board; after some discussion of corrected dates, a motion to approve was moved by Eldred and seconded that the motion carried with 9 in favor and 0 against. It was also moved by Aikin and seconded that the library will close this year the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The motion carried with 9 in favor and 0 against.

STAFF CHRISTMAS BONUSES: Director Miller presented staff names, years worked and the amount each staff member will receive from a predetermined schedule. Moved by Fehr and seconded that the bonuses shall be paid. The motion carried with 9 in favor and 0 against.

13 new library cards were made in October and 5 non-resident card renewals. 2,468 total items were checked out with an additional 403 e-resources checked out on Libby. Carlinville Library has 19 unique users on Libby now.
Carlinville Library took part in the IHLS wide Library Crawl. We had 44 visitors.
Storytime remains popular, with 78 kids and their caregivers attending the five sessions in October.
Lego Club had 17 kids in October. Stop motion Animation had 6 kids. Knit group had 5 attending this month.
Author and historian, Taylor Pensoneau, spoke to thirty-two people on the topic of Southern Illinois Gangsters. Seven people attended the consumer fraud and identity theft presentation.
Twenty-two clients of the Illinois Valley Day Center visited the library in two groups. We made slime and “haunted the library” by making paper ghosts and hiding them in the library stacks.
The library handed out over 150 pairs of eclipse glasses for the partial annular eclipse. The glasses are part of the 2,000 pairs that were received from the Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries (SEAL) Starnet in advance of the two eclipses; one in October of 2023 and April of 2024.
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell

October 2, 2023
The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, October 2, 2023. President
Rosentreter called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Carl Ziedler, Peg Fehr, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Diane Aikin and Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

Public Comments and Correspondence: Emery made note of an upcoming library speaking engagement by Taylor Pensoneau on October 19. Emery knows Taylor and recommends all to attend.

The regular minutes of the September 5 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Fehr to adopt the amended minutes.
The motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. Total expenses are in line for where we should be in the fiscal year. A motion was made by Aikin and seconded by Eldred with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills. The library received its first disbursement of property taxes.

PLAW POLICY COMMITTEE U{DATE: The committee met in September to review current policies as they pertain to the new ‘Paid Leave for All Works’ law for Illinois and will meet once more in October after they have watched a live webinar that the Illinois Department of Labor is offering October 3rd and 19th. A policy will be presented to the Board in November.
UPDATES ON ELECTRIC REPORT: Zeidler has asked Jim Donaldson, retired electrician, to come look at the electrical issues and make a recommendation.
CHRISTMAS PARTY UPDATES: Yowell spoke with Bobby from the Anchor Inn. He recommends continuing with the Italian pork loin, mashed potatoes and gravy. Board members will bring side dishes.

REVIEW 5 CHAPTERS OF SERVING OUR PUBLIC: STANDARDS FOR ILLINOIS LIBRARIES 4.0 as PART OF THE QUALIFICATIONS FOR 2024 PER CAPITA GRANT Eldred reviewed and reported on Chapter 11, Youth/Young Adult Services; H. Miller reviewed and reported on Chapter 8, Resource Sharing; and Chapter 9, Public Services/Reference; Rosentreter reviewed and reported on Chapter 5, Building/Facility Maintenance; and Chapter 6, Safety Standards. Aikin, Emery, Yowell and Fehr will present more chapters at the November meeting.

There was some graffiti on the library drop box and a bench in the pergola has some broken slats. Carlinville Police Dept will patrol the area more at night.
Rosemary Thornton, author of a few books on Sears Homes, donated her research notebooks and copies of all of her books to Carlinville Library on September 27. These items will be displayed in the front glass case for a while.
12 new library cards were made in September (20 in August) and 8 non-resident card renewals. 2,647 total items were checked out with an additional 337 e-resources checked out on Libby.
The new library cards should arrive the first week of October.
Storytime remains popular, with 55 kids and their caregivers attending the four sessions in September. Storytime had 19 kids one week-a new record.
Lego Club had 5 kids in September. Dot Days were celebrated September 15th and 16th with art stations throughout the kids’ area. Dot Day is celebrated on Sept. 15th every year, and is based on Eric Reynold’s picture book “The Do” about finding one’s own creative spark. Knit Night had a group of 6 in September.
Journalist and author, Walt Harrington, spoke to a full house of over 40 people September 21st.
Everyone was treated to an evening of good stories told by a master. Eight people attended Sensory Gardens in September, presented by Andrew Holsinger from Illinois Extension. D and D took a break in September and are branching out in table-top role playing games.
A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Aikin. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM.
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell

September 5, 2023
The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Vice President Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Rosemary Clark, Carl Ziedler, Peg Fehr, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Sue Rush and Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.
Public Comments and Correspondence: Fehr acknowledged the recent passing of Debbie Allen. Debbie had been a long time staff member at the library.
The regular minutes of the August 14 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Rush to adopt the amended minutes.
The motion passed.
A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. Total expenses are in line for where we should be in the fiscal year. A motion was made by Eldred and seconded by Yowell with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills. A motion was made by Clark to permit H. Miller to purchase new mats at the cost of around $350. Eldred seconded the motion and a unanimous voice vote approved the motion.

SWEARING IN OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER: Yowell was sworn in as Secretary and Zeidler was sworn as Treasurer.
PLAW POLICY COMMITTEE UPDATE: Eldred, Aikin and H. Miller met August 30 to discuss the Paid Leave for All Workers policy. They will meet again in September after gleaning more information/clarification from IHLA.

UPDATES ON ELECTRIC REPORT: Coonrod Electric suggests fixing the breaker/outlet situation within a year as it is not a safety or fire hazard. Rosentreter indicated to H. Miller that he has spoken to an electrician who doesn’t think it is a problem. More discussion at the October meeting.

CHRISTMAS PARTY UPDATES: Our annual Christmas party will be held December 4 at the Anchor Inn. Yowell will reach out to Bobby Whitlock at the Anchor Inn and ask for menu recommendations. Members can sign up to attend the party at the October or November meeting as well as let us know what dish you will bring. H. Miller will make a list of the extra people who will be invited.

PATRON BEHAVIOR POLICIES: Rosentreter will present the topic and discuss at the October meeting.

MEETING ROOM AND QUIET STUDY ROOM POLICIES: H.Miller reached out to ILHA about this issue and received several responses. Possible solutions are to make a schedule and/or time limits set for all rooms. More discussion to follow.

IHLS LIBRARY CRAWL: This year’s Library Crawl is scheduled for October 1-31. A motion was made by Rush that staff members are paid time off and mileage to visit other libraries and bring back ideas. Zeidler seconded the motion and a unanimous voice vote was called.

20 new library cards were made in June and 8 non-resident card renewals. 3015 total items were checked out with an additional 327 e-resources checked out on Libby with a grand total of 3342.
H. Miller applied for the Digital Equity Capacity Kickstarter (DECK) grant through the Illinois Office of Broadband/Dept of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to get funding for all new computers for the computer lab, laptops for classes and clubs, and digital skills basics training classes for staff and for the public.
New library card designs will be emailed to Board members soon. There are sixty library cards left.
Storytime remains popular, with 41 kids and their caregivers attending the four sessions in August.
Eighteen people attended Sensory Gardens on August 10th, put on by Andrew Holsinger from Illinois Extension. He is coming back on September 27 for another program on the best way to turn the garden over in the fall.
Fourteen people attended the Healthy Living for Mind and Body presentation, given by Stacy Kelley from the Alzheimer’s Association.
Illinois Valley Day Center visited the library in two groups this month. They will visit every other month. Ten kids came to the Wizard of Oz crafting morning with their families. Knit night is also still a popular event.
Carter Aikin shared the list of local and state-wide resources and organization contact information that Blackburn College collected in previous years. Rosemary Clark also shared a list of local organizations who can help. Both of these will be a big help to library staff.
A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Clark. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:03 PM.
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowel

August 14, 2023

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, August 14, 2023. President
Rosentreter called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Diane Aikin,
Rosemary Clark, Carl Ziedler, Peg Fehr, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Sue Rush and Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

Public Comments and Correspondence: Clark commended Director Miller about the many
wonderful extra programs presented at the library.  Rosentreter mentioned he had watched an ILA mock board meeting video and came away with some points of interest/protocol to share. The regular minutes of the July 5 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. It was brought to attention that Aikin’s name was left off of the July attendance. A
motion was made by Emery and seconded by Eldred to adopt the amended minutes. The
motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. Zeidler
indicated our new investments in Treasury Bonds from United Community Bank are doing quite well. A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Aikin with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.

BOOKSHELVES : Director Miller has reached out to Brian Lee Carpentry about custom made
shelves. Photos of different shelving ideas were passed around the meeting. More information to follow.

SUMMER READING WRAP-UP: Many local residents participated in the wide ranging
summer activities held at the library. Many local organizations/businesses donated prizes for
the different activities, some of which included Summer Reading logs/classes; a sing-along; a
storyteller; a storm chaser speaker; the Art Bus; a talent show; just to name a few.

LAZERWARE UPDATE: Our current patron computers are quite old and won’t run on
Windows 11. Lazerware explained to Director Miller that Microsoft will continue to support
Windows 10 and provide security updates until October 2025. We have two years before the
computers will absolutely need to be replaced. The board will develop a plan on how to pay for new computers. We will also look for grants.

IHLS SHARE ADDING ASPEN DISCOVERY LAYER: The Aspen addition should make it
easier for patrons to search the SHARE catalog. It was decided to hold off for now to see if other libraries are satisfied with the new addition for the price they are asking.

TRANSFER: Property taxes are usually due in July and we receive our first and largest
disbursement in the first 10 days of August. This year taxes aren’t even due until August 25.
The board authorized moving money from the Haberle Account if any shortfall occurs in the
regular checking account until we receive our property tax money. Eldred made the motion with a second from Aikin, with a unanimous voice vote.

ORDERING NEW LIBRARY CARDS: Director Miller will show the board several different
designs for new library cards at the next meeting. The library is almost out of our current style of library cards.

21 new library cards were made in June and 8 non-resident card renewals. 2,856 total items
were checked out with an additional 416 e-resources checked out on Libby. Libby had 19 new
users in July, now totaling 107 users.

Summer Reading for kids started June 6 and ended July 22. 83 kids signed up. Many local
teachers volunteered to assist. Local student Doug Aikin also volunteered and taught 4
sessions of the oldest group. Thank you all.

Hannah Crawford and Hannah Miller had two more StoryTime Picnics at the Carlinville Housing playground. It was a community event-with parents hanging out with each other as the kids listened to stories, worked on crafts, and played.

Director Miller would like to expand the outreach to have Reading in the Park offered at all the
local parks. She will contact the Park Board for their approval.

The outlet for the shorter water fountain is no longer working. Tim Coonrod found that 4 breakers keep tripping. He advised it will take much manpower and dollars to investigate. It is not a safety hazard. The board will look into the issue further.

Paid Leave for All Workers’ law is a new bill in Illinois. The library is already in compliance, for the most part. The law takes effect January 2024. IHLS will have a presentation to answer
questions about this new law at the September Members’ Meeting. After the IHLS presentation, our policy committee will review our current policies and make recommendations to the board of any needed changes. The policy committee consists of Aikin and Eldred.

The library received $8,422.25 for the Per Capita Grant on 7/10/23.

Director Miller and staff have noticed an uptick in patrons coming in the library because they
have no other place to go. Staff does offer resources to these patrons, but sometimes there
seems to be no one to help. H. Miller has strengthened ties with social workers at Locust Street, workers at Safe Families and MCPHA among other local groups and organizations that provide help in crisis situations. Clark has a list of agencies and organizations and Aikin mentioned Blackburn College also has a spreadsheet of names/numbers to call. They will get together and formulate a list for staff.

Diane VanWinkle donated money for books sold on eBay, Declutter, Facebook and her yards

Primary and Intermediate School art teacher, Melissa Suits, and her students donated a
beautiful crayon mosaic to the library.

The board thanked Tom Emery for all of his excellent articles in many of our area newspapers.

Carl Zeidler had some excellent quotes regarding Libby in one of the articles.

A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Zeidler. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:40 PM.
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell

July 5, 2023

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. President Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Kris Rosentreter, Rosemary Clark, Carl Ziedler, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Sue Rush and Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

Public Comments and Correspondence: A thank you note was received from the family of Doris Boente for the Board’s gift of wind chimes in memory of Doris, a long time Board member.

The regular minutes of the June 5 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Zeidler to adopt the minutes. The motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. Zeidler indicated our new investments in Treasury Bonds from United Community Bank are right on track. A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Rush with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.


PHONE SERVICE: The new phones from Madison Communications were installed June 29. Lazerware was on site for network troubleshooting. Director Miller indicated the new system is working well. Madison will return soon to install brackets that had to be ordered.

DORIS BOENTE MEMORIAL DONATIONS: Memorial donations in honor of Doris Boente continue to be received. Director Miller indicated she will have a proposal to present to the Board for book shelves for the children’s area by the August Board meeting.


SEATING OF NEW OFFICES: Outgoing President Fehr had incoming President Kris Rosentreter read the Oath of Office and then President Rosentreter had Fehr read the Oath of Office for the Vice President office. The Treasurer and Secretary seats will be filled at the August meeting.

RESCHEDULING AUGUST MEETING: Since President Rosentreter and Vice President Fehr will both be out of town for the regular August meeting date; it was decided to move the meeting to August 14.

CHRISTMAS PARTY COMMITTEE HELP: Yowell and Eldred volunteered to be on the Christmas party committee.

28 new library cards were made in June and 8 non-resident card renewals. 3,070 total items were checked out in June not including Libby. 252 Libby items were checked out.

Summer Reading for kids started June 6 and runs until July 22. 83 kids signed up. Many local teachers have volunteered to assist. Local student Doug Aikin has also volunteered to teach 4 sessions of the oldest group. Thank you all.

Hannah Crawford and Hannah Miller held a first ever StoryTime Picnic at the Carlinville Housing playground. It was a community event-with parents hanging out with each other as the kids listened to stories, worked on crafts and played.

Special Event Fridays have been well attended. Some of the programs so far include a magician/artist; a drummer and a Vote For Your Favorite afternoon which included participants voting for their favorite Oreo flavor, favorite veggie, favorite smell, etc.

Sixteen kids from Children’s Garden visited the library. They listened to stories, made buttons and magnets and found the Golden Book.

H. Miller has been working with Mary Tinder and Andrea Duncan on a grant-funded project to get three historical walking trails up in Carlinville. Fold out brochures with a map of Carlinville have been printed and are available now at the library. Each site has a metal sign posted nearby with a short description and a QR code linking it to a more thorough description. You can find more information on the library website under “Carlinville Historical Trails.”

The Carlinville Masons donated two GoTRax scooters to be used for Summer Reading prizes.

The Illinois Public Library Annual Review has been sent in by H. Miller.

Amee Lee agreed to clean the library (she also cleans City Hall).

A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Eldred. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM.
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell


June 5, 2023

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, June 5, 2023. President Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Kris Rosentreter, Rosemary Clark, Carl Ziedler, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Sue Rush and Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.
Public Comments and Correspondence: A moment of silence was held in memory and honor of long time board member Doris Boente. Doris passed away May 14.

The regular minutes of the May 1 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Rosentreter to adopt the minutes.
The motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. A discussion was held regarding CD investments. Zeidler said now was a good time to invest in Treasury Bonds and recommended United Community Bank who had the best deal. Rosentreter made a motion to invest a portion of the Haberle Account through UCB and Eldred seconded the motion.
A unanimous roll call vote was called and approved. A motion was made by Rosentreter and seconded by Clark with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.

LIVE AND LEARN GRANT UPDATE: At the May board meeting it was decided to have all the building ductwork cleaned by Kufa and Sons. This will happen June 12.The final grant report is due June 15. This will cost roughly $4000 total, with $3020 coming from remaining grant funds.

Kris Rosentreter and family donated $1000 to the library to cover the remaining cost.

PHONE SERVICE ESTIMATES: Director Miller asked John Yowell to review the three quotes for VOIP systems: Madison, CTS and CDS. Yowell broke down the bids so members could understand in layman terms the comparison/differences to the three quotes. After a lengthy discussion Rosentreter made a motion to accept the Madison bid. Zeidler seconded the motion and was unanimously approved by roll call vote.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR LIBRARY BOARD OFFICERS: Emery reported that he and Aikin had a slate of officers chosen for the upcoming year. He presented Kris Rosentreter as President, Peg Fehr as Vice President, Carl Zeidler as Treasurer and Dana Yowell as Secretary. There were no nominations from the floor. Clark made a motion to approve the slate of officers with Eldred as a second. The motion passed. Officers will be seated at the July meeting.

DORIS BOENTE MEMORIAL DONATIONS: Memorial donations in honor of Doris Boente have been received. Her family asked that these donations be used for any children’s library needs. Director Miller suggested more bookshelves for the children’s area with remaining funds going towards refreshing supplies.

BOOK SALE RECAP: June 3’s outdoor book sale at the library netted $612, selling books, CD’s and DVD’s for $1 each. Next year the Historical Society plans on moving their weekend festival back to Memorial Day. It was decided the library would also move the book sale to Memorial Day as many festival attendees stop by the library on their way to and from the festival. It was also discussed to have another book sale in September when the Historical Society has their Fall Festival.

JANITOR’S POSITION: Custodian Norma Mitchell resigned for health reasons on May 19th. Norma is employed as an independent contractor to the library. Director Miller has revised the Custodian job description, after review, several suggestions were made to finalize the job description. H. Miller suggested we offer the City Hall custodian the position. Rosentreter made that motion and Zeidler seconded. The motion was unanimously approved with a roll call vote.

11 new library cards were made in May and 3 non-resident card renewals. 2,313 total items were checked out in May including Libby.

The 10 am Story Time had a total of 51 kids and 38 adults attend over all four weeks of the month. Eight kids attended Lego Club and six came to Stop-Motion Animation Club. Dungeons and Dragons has a steady group of five attendees. Knit Night had six attendees and decided they would like to meet through the summer months.

Hannah Miller and Hannah Crawford had a table at the Primary School for the Annual Fine Arts Festival on May 9th. They let the kids make their own buttons and little reading monsters and promoted the Library Summer Reading program.

H. Miller has been working with Mary Tinder and Andrea Duncan on a grant-funded project to get three historical walking trails up in Carlinville. Fold out brochures with a map of Carlinville n are being printed and will be available soon. Each site has a metal sign posted nearby with a short description and a QR code linking it to a more thorough description (coming soon). HB 2789 requiring all libraries to have an anti-censorship policy passed the Illinois House and Senate. Governor Pritzker is expected to sign this legislation, taking effect January 1, 2024.

A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Rosentreter. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM.
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell


May 1, 2023
The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, May 1, 2023. President Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Diane Aikin, Kris Rosentreter, Rosemary Clark, Carl Ziedler, Tom Emery, and Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.
Public Comments and Correspondence: None

The regular minutes of the April 3 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Aikin to adopt the minutes. The motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. A discussion was held regarding CD investments. Zeidler and Director Miller will confer and bring a recommendation to the Board at the June meeting. A motion was made by Rosentreter and seconded by Clark with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.

LIVE AND LEARN GRANT UPDATE: Director Miller indicated the library has money left over from the Live and Learn Grant ($3,000). Several bids were discussed regarding duct cleaning, carpet cleaning, ceiling tiles and furniture cleaning. Rosentreter made a motion to spend the grant money of $3000 on duct cleaning. Zeidler seconded the motion and it was passed with a unanimous roll call vote.

PHONE SERVICE ESTIMATES: Director Miller gave an update on the bids so far received for a new phone system as our current system is deemed “end of life” and would be hard to find parts for it, if the system suddenly failed. Miller is currently waiting on updated bids from two companies. The Board will discuss this at the June meeting.

DISCUSSING THE TRUSTEES WEBINAR “LIBRARY FINANCE FOR TRUSTEES”: A discussion was held. Several members had questions which were discussed. Fehr suggested the Board set specific goals for items Director Miller may foresee a need for in the future.

CHRISTMAS PARTY UPDATE: The Anchor Inn has said they would be available for this year’s annual library Christmas party scheduled for Monday, December 4. Yowell has offered to head the planning committee.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR LIBRARY BOARD OFFICERS: Fehr announced that Aikin and Emery will be the nominating committee this year. Officers will be elected at the June meeting and take office in July.

CNB WAIVER NOTICE: A letter has been sent to all Carlinville National Bank customers regarding a deposit accounts Class Action Waiver. It states, in part, that the customer waives any right to participate in a class action concerning any claim against the bank, or to act as a private attorney general in court or to join any claim that you may have with a claim by any other person or entity. After some discussion Clark made a motion to reject the Class Action Waiver and seconded by Rosentreter. The motion passed. Rosentreter offered to write a letter to the bank as stated in the correspondence, that the library does not waive our right to participate in a lawsuit.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DUES: H. Miller received a letter from the local Chamber of Commerce regarding annual dues of $50. After a brief discussion regarding our library as being a part of the local community, which is also the mission of the Chamber, Rosentreter made a motion and Emery seconded it to join the Chamber of Commerce. A unanimous roll call vote was taken and passed.

Director Miller attended a Reaching Forward South library conference, attending many different sessions. Miller reported learning a lot at this worthwhile conference.

The library hosted 100 first graders recently for a short field trip to the library. Hannah M. talked about coming events, Hannah C. read a quick story, and the kids all got to do a scavenger hunt. Everyone got a fun bookmark as they left; all in the span of 20 minutes per class.

The 10 am Story Time had a total of 51 kids and 34 adults attend over all four weeks. Eleven attended Lego Club and five came to Stop-Motion Animation Club. Dungeons and Dragons has a steady group of five attendees, the Spring Fling had 10 kids for a movie matinee and crafts.

Forty people attended the book signing by Cynthia Roemer and 22 people attended the History of American Pie. Carol Miller provided slices of homemade pie to add to the festivities. Sam Beach came to teach about Venmo, Apple Pay and other online payment options, Earth Day was celebrated in numerous ways and the second monthly Knit Night was held for all levels of knitters.

A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Zeidler. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:05 PM

Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell


April 3, 2023

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, April 3, 2023. President Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Diane Aikin, Polly Eldred, Kris Rosentreter, Rosemary Clark, Sue Rush, Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannahn Miller. A quorum was present.

Under Public Comments Clark reported that the Owl Presentation held at the library in March was very informative and well received by all. H. Miller indicated 40 people were in attendance.

The regular minutes of the March 6 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Aikin and seconded by Rush to adopt the minutes. The motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. Treasurer Zeidler was not in attendance but sent all members information of a list of various CD and Money Market rates from local banks. A motion was made by Rosentreter and seconded by Eldred to approve Zeidler’s investment recommendations. The Board also approved the rest of the treasurer’s report and the paying of all bills for the month. A motion was made by Rosentreter and seconded by Clark with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.

FURNITURE COMMITTEE UPDATE: S. Rush reported that Greg at Heinz Furniture Store is able to purchase the chairs from Best Home Furnishings at a discounted price of $699 each. Donations have been made of $1100. The Carlinville Lion’s Club donated $300 to offset the balance due. A motion was made by Rush to have H. Miller order the chairs. The motion was nseconded by Rosentreter. The motion passed.

LIVE AND LEARN GRANT UPDATE: Director Miller indicated the library has money left over from the Live and Learn Grant ($3,000). There was a discussion regarding how to best use the money. H. Miller will get estimates on carpet and chair cleaning and the price of ceiling tiles before a decision will be made. We have several months left to use the money.

BUDGET DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL: After much discussion a motion was made by Eldred and seconded by Clark to accept the proposed budget with an amendment and clarification from Treasurer Zeidler at the May meeting. A unanimous roll call vote was taken and the motion was approved.

THANK YOU TO JANET HOWARD: Janet volunteered to fill in at the front desk in March when several staff members were on vacation. Thank you Janet.

STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTEREST: All members received an email from County Clerk, Pete Duncan, with information to complete the annual Statement of Economic Interest forms online this year. If anyone wants a paper form instead, H. Miller will provide one.

SETTING DATE FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY: The annual library Christmas party is held the first Monday of December, this year that will be December 4. Fehr will check with the Anchor Inn as to availability, if they are not catering any longer, Rosentreter will call Town’s Edge. MJM also has a room with a kitchen we may be able to use. More details to come at the May meeting.

Tim Force from CTS (phone technician) and H. Miller met again on March 29. He advised that it’s time to start thinking about a replacement for our current phone system. The current system was installed in 2007 and the rep advised that it is nearing its end of life. When parts break, we will only be able to buy refurbished parts. Force recommended the “rental” option which would be $55 (includes maintenance) more than we are paying CTS currently. After much discussion Fehr said she would talk to Madison Communications about their phone system options/charges and H. Miller will find out what phone system City Hall uses and the cost.
H. Miller has received 35 free Cardinal baseball tickets from the STL Community Ticket Foundation. These can be handed out as Summer Reading prizes this summer. The tickets are in the Lower Right Field Box for the August 3 game against the Twins.
Lego Club, knitting classes, Dungeons and Dragons, tech class, story time and
Stopmotion-Animation Club are all going strong. Extra events in March included an Owl Presentation by Mark Glenshaw, an Award-Winning Naturalist. Also, acclaimed naturalist Chris Benda presented the Ecology of Ephemeral Spring Wildflowers found across woodlands of Illinois on March 4.
Hannah M. and Hannah C. visited Carlinville Primary School for a Family Read-Aloud night March 7. Hannah C. chose books with library themes, and the pair handed out flyers about library programs.

A motion to adjourn was made by Clark and seconded by Eldred. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:40 PM
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell

March 6, 2023

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, March 6, 2023. President Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Tom Emery, Diane Aikin, Carl Zeidler, Rosemary Clark, Sue, Rush, Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

Under Public Comments Clark reported that the Wildflower presentation held at the library in early March was very informative and well received by all. H. Miller indicated 28 people were in attendance.

The regular minutes of the February 6 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Aikin to adopt the minutes. The motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. Treasurer Zeidler reported that he is waiting to present a list of various CD and Money Market rates from local banks because the interest rates are expected to rise very soon. The Board approved the rest of the treasurer’s report and the paying of all bills for the month. A motion was made by Aikin and seconded by Rush with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills. Director Miller gave a brief overview of the Annual Financial Report which is presented after the yearly audit.

FURNITURE COMMITTEE UPDATE: The committee met February 9 to discuss options for replacing the three well-worn arm chairs currently in the library. It was decided that they like the current chairs and would be happy to replicate them and we would only need two chairs. Greg at Heinz Furniture Store is able to purchase the chairs from Best Home Furnishings at a discounted price of $699 each. Donations have been made of $1100. It was decided to write a letter to the Carlinville Lion’s Club asking for a $300 donation to offset the balance due. A motion was made by Zeidler to proceed having H. Miller write the letter and was seconded by Clark.
The motion passed.

LIVE AND LEARN GRANT UPDATE: Director Miller indicated the library has money left over from the Live and Learn Grant. She spoke with the grant coordinator about the excess dollars and he indicated the library could use the money on improvements to the library. Miller will finalize with the grant coordinator once she and the board have ideas of how to best use the money.

FY 24 LIBRARY BUDGET PROPOSAL WITH POSSIBLE APPROVAL: The discussion was tabled until the April meeting as requested prior to the meeting by Rosentreter who was absent due to illness. Last year’s budget was discussed and passed at the April meeting.

NON-RESIDENT FEE APPROVAL: The current non-resident annual fee is $70. After some discussion, Zeidler made a motion to continue the $70 annual fee and was seconded by Emery.
The motion passed.

A CTS phone technician was on site last month and had a representative do a site visit in February. He advised that it’s time to start thinking about a replacement for our current phone system. The current system was installed in 2007 and the rep advised that it is nearing its end of life. When parts break, we will only be able to buy refurbished parts. We aren’t ready to purchase a new system but Miller asked them to do a free Telco analysis. This will give us some options and help us plan for a time when the system is not repairable.

H. Miller submitted the Annual Illinet (Traffic Survey) and Library Certification, well ahead of the March 31 deadline.

County Clark Pete Duncan’s office will be sending board members the annual Statement of Economic Interest soon. These must be completed and returned by April 30th every year.

Lego Club, knitting classes, Dungeons and Dragons, tech class, story time and stop-motion animation club are all going strong. Extra events in February included a Book and Paper Art class taught by Chris Twitchell. M.J. Rogers held an archery presentation, speaking about his experiences coaching archery at the Olympic Training Center, Disabled Athlete Sport Association and for the Pan American Games.

A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Aikin The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell

February 6, 2023

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, February 6, 2023. President Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Diane Aikin, Carl Zeidler, Kris Rosentreter, Rosemary Clark, Sue, Rush, Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

Under Public Comments Clark reported that friends of hers attended a Writer’s Guild at our library, which meets twice a month. They discussed how our library appears to them to be a “hub” for Carlinville. Many of these people are from different surrounding communities.
Correspondence consisted of a thank you note from a youth who participates in our monthly Lego Club.

The regular minutes of the January 2 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Rosentreter and seconded by Rush to adopt the minutes. The motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting.Treasurer Zeidler presented a list of various CD and Money Market rates from local banks. After some discussion a motion was made by Clark and seconded by Eldred for Zeidler to review the best options for our needs and present his findings to the Board. A unanimous roll call vote was taken. The Board approved the rest of the treasurer’s report and the paying of all bills for the month. A motion was made by Aikin and seconded by Rosentreter with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.

President Fehr has asked Rosentreter, Zeidler and Director Miller to look into the longevity of the Haberle Account. Specifically, determine how long the money will last and report back to the library board.


OUTSIDE LIGHTING: Rosentreter researched and found solar powered motion lights for the outside of the building entrance and volunteered to donate the lights and also install them. They are working well in the evenings. Staff appreciate the lit sidewalks.


NEW FURNITURE COMMITTEE AND BUDGET GUIDELINES: The library is in need of three chairs for patron’s reading the newspapers, books, working on laptop projects, etc. The current chairs are very old and very worn. The new committee of Director Miller, Clark and Rush will research the purchase of replacement chairs with the cost not to exceed $900. They will look for something durable as well as functional.

DISCUSSION ON LIBRARY ACCOUNTS: This discussion was held during the treasurer’s report, see above.

INFO ON SHARE ASPEN DISCOVERY OPAC: For the past year, SHARE committees have been reviewing new two technologies, including something called a “discovery layer,” which would replace our existing Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). They determined that Aspen Discovery, from ByWater Solutions, would be the best fit for member libraries that want to add this new technology. Aspen Discovery promises to be much more user friendly for patrons. IHLS will be able to give all interested libraries more information on the cost in May/June of 2023.

Kufa and Son installed the fourth and final HVAC unit on January 3, 2023.

The new Konica Minolta copier arrived on January 5.

The library received a donation of Laura Ingalls Wilder memorabilia from the family of longtime teacher Janet Burns, who passed away November 30, 2022 at the age of 91. The collection is on display at the library and people have really enjoyed seeing all of the items and reminiscing about Mrs. Burns.

We received 2000 free eclipse glasses from a STAR Net grant in anticipation of two solar eclipse events in 2023 and 2024. There is an annular solar eclipse in October of 2023 and on April 8, 2024 an almost total solar eclipse will be over Carlinville.

Sixteen new library cards were issued in January and had 6 non-resident card renewals. New Patron Packets are being given to individuals and families getting new library cards with pertinent information about the library included.

Director Miller submitted the Live and Learn 2nd quarter report as well as the FY23 Per Capita Grant and FY 21 Expenditures Report in January. H. Miller also submitted the Illinois Humanities Road Scholars Grant application and has been approved. This grant will cover all costs associated with hosting our speaker, culinary historian Catherine Lambrecht on April 13.

Lego Club, D & D, knitting classes and H. Crawford’s story times are all serving many patrons. STEAM Night with 4-H had a great turnout, 30 kids and their parents participated in 6 different stations. Tech class using library apps with Sam Beach had 9 attendees. Tom Emery’s program, Presidential Marriages and Romances, had 10 people attend.

A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Rosentreter. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell

January 2, 2023

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, January 2, 2023. President Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Diane Aikin, Carl Zeidler, Kris Rosentreter, Rosemary Clark, Sue, Rush, Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

Under Public Comments, Fehr thanked the committee for organizing the Christmas party and Rosentreter for the last minute coverage of the meeting and welcoming guests to the party due to Fehr’s illness.

Clark also mentioned the wonderful Uganda Library presentation held in December at the library. Correspondence consisted of thank you notes from the staff for the Christmas party.

The regular minutes of the December 5 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Aikin to adopt the minutes. The motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. The Board approved paying the revised bill to the Anchor Inn for the Christmas Party food. Clark made the motion and Eldred seconded it; a unanimous roll call vote was noted. Rosentreter presented a written policy that he, Fehr and H. Miller conferred on. It states “The library director has the discretion to spend up to $500 in cases where action is required between board meetings”. Rosentreter made the motion to accept, was seconded by Rush with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the written policy. The Board approved the rest of the treasurer’s report and the paying of all bills for the month. A motion was made by Eldred and seconded by Rosentreter with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.

ANNUAL RENEWAL REVIEW OF INVESTMENT POLICY: Treasurer Zeidler discussed the investment policy in detail, also making recommendations to our investments. He will explore some options and report back at the February meeting. Rosentreter made a motion to approve the continuation of the Investment Policy, seconded by Rush with a unanimous roll call vote to accept.

REVIEW LAST 5 CHAPTERS OF SERVING OUR PUBLIC 4.0: STANDARDS FOR ILLINOIS PUBLIC LIBRARIES: Director Miller reviewed Chapter 9, Public Services: Reference; Emery reviewed Chapter 10, Programming; Eldred reviewed Chapter 11, Youth/Young Adult Services; Aikin reviewed Chapter 12, Technology and Emery reviewed Chapter 13, Marketing, Promotion and Collaboration.

MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE JANUARY 1, 2023 Director Miller commented that our current budget has already taken the wage increase into account.

The last HVAC unit will be installed January 3.
The library received the next installment of the SKPL Science Kits for Public Libraries grant on December 27.
A request has been made by a regular donor for a new outdoor drop box. This will be taken up for advisement by the Board.
H. Miller discussed many new programs planned for the new year. Learn to Knit, Tom Emery’s presentation on Presidential Marriages, The Botanizer to discuss Spring Wildflowers, a culinary historian to discuss the History of American Pies, Storm Chasers of Illinois and Mark Glenshaw of Forest Park Owl fame to name a few.

A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by  Rosentreter. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM
Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell


November 7, 2022

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday November 7, 2022. President Peg Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Kris Rosentreter, Rosemary Clark, Tom Emery, Sue Rush, Polly Eldred, Diane Aikin, Carl Zeidler, Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

There was no Correspondence to review. Under Public Comment R. Clark reported that a
former Harvard Librarian, now a local area resident, is very impressed and amazed with the
many activities and special program offerings at our library, giving much credit to our Director H. Miller.

The regular minutes of the October 3 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Rosentreter and seconded by Emery to adopt the minutes. The motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. The Board
approved the treasurer’s report and the paying of all bills for the month. A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Eldred with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.


CHRISTMAS PARTY: Yowell discussed plans for the upcoming Christmas party to be held on
December 5. Taylor’s will provide the meat and mashed potatoes, while Board members will
bring a side dish and two dozen cookies to share.

LIBRARY CRAWL: Five staff members took advantage of the Library Crawl this year. Many
good ideas are being discussed that have been implemented at other libraries. Carlinville library had 35 visitors from other libraries visit our facility. Staff at Bethalto Library deserve accolades for putting the Crawl together each year and creating the publications for every library to use.

LIBRARIES 4.0 (as part of Per Capita Grant Requirements for 2023) Rush discussed
chapter 4: Access. Rosentreter reviewed Building Infrastructure and Maintenance as well as
Safety. Fehr discussed the chapter on Collection Management and H. Miller reviewed the
System Member Responsibilities chapter. Questions and recommendations were asked and


JANITOR’S CONTRACT RENEWAL: A motion was made by Rosentreter and seconded by
Emery to approve the janitor’s contract renewal with a unanimous roll call vote.

STAFF CHRISTMAS BONUSES: Discussions were held in regards to staff bonuses for
Christmas. A standard policy scale for years worked has been in use for some time.

LANDSCAPING TO WEST SIDE: Janet Howard will substantially cut back the arbor on the
east side. Huge thank you to Janet as she has already cut back and trimmed all of the other
shrubs, vines and bushes around the library.

Director H. MIller discussed offering patrons a new digital service called Libby. It offers new
“buzzy” e-books and e-audiobooks with unlimited patron use per month. She reviewed several other digital services and is recommending Libby. A motion was made by Rosentreter and seconded by Zeidler to allow H. Miller to subscribe to Libby, a unanimous roll call vote was held.

The library received the Illinois Humanities Gen Ops grant money in October. H. Miller would
like to use some of this money to purchase a good quality projector, as the current one is old and outdated. Rosentreter made a motion to purchase a new projector with Aikin as a second. A roll call vote was unanimous.

Seven volunteers came to the library to work during Take It To Town this year. Some of the
tasks they performed included washing windows (inside and out), dusting all shelves, cleaning of all of the toys and helping in preparation for Art Day.

Our library is moving forward with a very informal Sister Library connection with Jacob Library in Katovu, Uganda. H. Miller hopes to enjoy cultural exchanges with them in the years to come.

Family Search archivists, Laura and Carissa, completed their work at the library October 29th. Tom Emery wrote an article about the Family Search project that was published recently in various regional papers.

Some of the many programs that occurred in October are: a demonstration on the art of
spinning wool and other fibers into yarn; a Cybersecurity presentation answering patron tech questions; Lego Club is going strong; Art Day had a great turnout of 46 kids; Dungeons and Dragons welcomed three new players and the Mad Science Halloween Show was attended by 23 kids and 15 adults.

A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Eldred. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM

Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell


October 3, 2022
The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Tuesday, October 3, 2022. President
Peg Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Kris Rosentreter,
Rosemary Clark, Tom Emery, Diane Aikin, Carl Zeidler, Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

There was no Public Comment or Correspondence.

The regular minutes of the September 9 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Aikin to adopt the minutes. The
motion passed.

A copy of the treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. The library
received more property tax dollars on September 23. The Board approved the treasurer’s
report and the paying of all bills for the month. A motion was made by Clark and seconded by
Rosentreter with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.


CHRISTMAS PARTY: Yowell discussed plans for the upcoming Christmas party to be held on
December 5. Taylor’s will provide the meat and mashed potatoes, while Board members will
bring a side dish and two dozen cookies to share. Yowell will contact Bobby at Taylor’s
regarding any main dish recommendations he may have. Members will sign up at the
November meeting as to what side dish they will bring. There will be no gift exchange again this year.

PUBLIC LIBRARIES 4.0 (as part of Per Capita Grant Requirements for 2023) Carl discussed the first chapter: Core Standards. Dana reviewed Governance and Administration and Rosemary reviewed Personnel. Rush was ill so did not present Chapter four. Questions and recommendations were asked and discussed.


After reviewing meeting and closure dates, the 2023 schedule was confirmed.

Kufa and Sons have ordered four HVAC units for the library. New batteries were installed in the centralized fire alarm system by Mac’s Fire and Safety.

The many classes being offered at the library have been well attended. Legos, drumming,
Dungeons and Dragons are being well received.

The Science Kits are ready for check-out. There are currently five kits with more on the way. Dot Day DIY stations had over 40 individual participants throughout the week.

Storytime on Saturdays and Tuesdays are being well attended as well.

Director Miller made note of a generous donation of two new Tonies Storytelling figurines by a
library patron for his 10th birthday.

H. Miller also commended Tom Emery for the many informative articles he writes for many of the area newspapers about the library’s upcoming events and upcoming kids activities. Thank you Tom!

A motion to adjourn was made by Rosentreter and seconded by Emery. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM

Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell

September 6, 2022

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. President Peg Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Kris Rosentreter, Rosemary Clark, Sue Rush, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Diane Aikin, Carl Zeidler, Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.
There was no Public Comment or Correspondence.

The regular minutes of the August 1 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Rosentreter to adopt the minutes. The motion passed.

A copy of a treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. The library received the main property tax installment for the year on August 5. The Board approved the treasurer’s report and the paying of all bills for the month. A motion was made by Eldred and seconded by Rush with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.

HVAC COMMITTEE BID REPORT: Three bids were received for the air conditioners. After review and much research the committee recommended Kufa and Sons to replace the air conditioning units. Kufa and Sons will install Rheem units with a 20 year warranty. Zeidler made the motion to accept the recommendation with Clark making the second. The motion passed
with eight yes votes with one abstention.

CHRISTMAS PARTY: Fehr reported Taiylor’s Chili Parlor will reserve December 5 for the annual library Christmas party.

NEW HIRE : Director Miller reported the need to hire another staff member to work Wednesday evenings and Saturdays. It would also be useful to have a back-up in case of illness. Rush made the motion to hire a part time employee with a second from Eldred. The motion passed.


IT’S LIBRARY CARD SIGN-UP MONTH!: September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. Kids and adults can sign up every time they visit the library this month for a chance to win fun prizes (DQ treat, Casey’s cookie, craft kits, summer reading t-shirt). Drawings held each week.

LIBRARY CRAWL: The Annual Library Crawl will be October 1-31. Director Miller requested we offer all staff members up to four paid hours plus mileage if they want to visit other libraries and report back where they went, what they liked and aniy fresh ideas that would benefit Carlinville Library. Rosentreter made a motion to accept the request with a second from Aikin.
The motion passed.

SCIENCE KIT POLICIES: Due to the cost of the science kits, it is common practice to ask patrons to sign an agreement before checking them out. After reviewing and discussing a rough draft presented by Miller, the Board agreed with the use of the form, with an addition of a one week check out time.

PER CAPITA GRANT REQUIREMENTS 2023-STANDARDS FOR IL PUBLIC LIBRARIES 4.0 The Per Capita Grant has kept the same requirements as last year. The Board is required to review the Serving Our Public: Requirements for Illinois Public Libraries at the next few Board meetings. Each Board member has chosen a topic to read and report on; beginning in October.

LIBRARIAN REPORT: H. Miller has been collaborating with Mary Tinder and Andrea Duincan on a history project in Carlinville. They have written a grant to place plaques along an historical walking/driving tour of
Carlinville. The QR codes on the plaques will link to a page on Carlinville Library’s website giving details of the sites and video interviews with local historians.

Two archivists from Family Search have set up their equipment in the Quiet Study Room. They are archiving specific genealogy collections at the Library.
H. Miller demonstrated the new Tonie Storytelling Cube, which was donated to the Library. Miller indicated it has been very popular with families.

A motion to adjourn was made by Emery and seconded by Rosentreter. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:12 PM

Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell


August 1, 2022

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, August 1, 2022. Vice-President Kris Rosentreter called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Rosemary Clark, Sue Rush, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Diane Aikin, Carl Zeidler, Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

There was no Public Comment or Correspondence.

The regular minutes of the July 5 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Emery and seconded by Aikin to adopt the minutes. The motion passed.

A copy of a treasurer’s report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. It was noted that a temporary transfer will need to be made to the CAE account from the Haberle account. This will be reimbursed to the Haberle Account after property tax money is received (usually late August). A motion was made by Zeidler for the transfer of money and seconded by Eldred. A roll call vote was taken and approved. The Board approved the treasurer’s report and the
paying of all bills for the month. A motion was made by Aikin and seconded by Rush with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and the paying of all bills.

TERMITE ABATEMENT UPDATE: Termites were treated outside of the building on July 6th. The inside tunnel was treated on July 19th.

HVAC COMMITTEE UPDATE/BIDS REVIEWED: Bids are continuing to be received. The HVAC committee will review/compare all of the bids and present their findings at the September Board meeting.

POLICY UPDATES ON BORROWER CARDS AND COLOR PRINTING FEE: Director Miller discussed ending the policy that limits new patrons to check out only three items per visit for the first three months. The policy is considered to be a barrier to access. After some discussion a motion was made by Rush and seconded by Emery to allow patrons to start out with open use of the library and online services. The motion passed.
H. Miller also discussed the printing fees for color copies. The current fee was set in the 1990’s when color copies were a new feature and the cost was higher. To accommodate for the current lesser cost for color copies a motion was made by Clark and seconded by Zeidler to lower the cost to 50 cents per page. The motion passed.

LIBRARIAN REPORT: Summer Reading program ended July 21 with the indoor library camp-out. Thirty-six families attended. H. Miller discussed the small, 10 gallon trash container outside of the library. It is frequently overflowing. The Board approved H. Miller to purchase a 42 gallon size that will better fit the library needs.
The library received the full amount of the Live and Learn Construction Mini-Grant as well as the first installment of the SKPL Science Kits for Public Libraries grant.
Becky Root contacted Director Miller about a library being built in Uganda that would like to partner with Carlinville Library as the new library (named after Root’s late son, Jacob Glenn) begins operation. After discussion, the matter was tabled to discuss at the next meeting when President Fehr will return.
The library will participate in “Rock the Block” again this year at the Carlinville Primary School on August 9th, 5-7pm. Library staff will be there making library buttons, giving out information on getting library cards and promoting library events this fall.
Tom Emery was commended for his recent newspaper articles and H. Miller reported Lego Club will continue when school begins.

A motion to adjourn was made by Clark and seconded by Emery. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 4:55PM



July 5, 2022

The Carlinville Library Board met in regular session on Monday, July 5, 2022. President Peg Fehr called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Members present were Rosemary Clark, Sue Rush, Tom Emery, Polly Eldred, Kris Rosentreter, Carl Zeidler, Dana Yowell, along with Library Director Hannah Miller. A quorum was present.

New Treasurer Carl Zeidler read the Oath of Office and has officially been sworn in as a Board Member and Treasurer.

Public Comment: Fehr addressed a question from Rush regarding the budget. Director Miller helped clarify the answer. H. Miller also noted we have received the Per Capita Grant.

The regular minutes of the June 6 meeting were distributed to Board members prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Rosentreter and seconded by Emery to adopt the minutes.

The motion passed.

A copy of a financial report was distributed to members prior to the meeting. Miller noted that a patron came into the library to use our internet. The library was active with many children so he was shown to a quieter place to do his work. He was so thankful for the help of the staff to meet his needs and made a donation. Dimond Bros./Cincinnati Insurance will be issuing a new Treasurer’s Bond starting July 5th. This is a one-year bond as opposed to the usual two year bond. This Surety Bond will safeguard the Library’s Funds.The Board approved the financial report and the paying of all bills for the month. A motion was made by Eldred and seconded by Rosentreter with a unanimous roll call vote to accept the report and paying of all bills.


APPROVE START DATE OF CLARIFIED SICK LEAVE POLICY UPDATE: The new policy will be put in place January 1, 2023.

HVAC COMMITTEE UPDATE/LIVE & LEARN GRANT : H. Miller has requested bids to three local heating and cooling companies: Kufa and Son, Area Heating and Air Conditioning and Pure Air. A recommendation was made to also include Henson and Robinson of Springfield in the bidding process. H. Miller will contact them as well.


TERMITE ABATEMENT: Evidence of subterranean termites was found in the library on June Terminix has begun treating the building and will finish July 6.

COMMITTEE FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY: Eldred and Yowell volunteered to be on the Christmas party committee. More details to follow.

IPLAR STATS: H. Miller completed the lengthy Illinois Public Library Annual Report for FY2022. This questionnaire is very detailed, covering questions about every aspect of our library. Thank you Hannah for presenting a thorough representation of our library.


Brad from Lazerware installed the library’s new, secure network on June 29.

Dick McClain, Alderperson, stopped by the library to say that the city was taking down the most westerly tree on our boulevard for traffic safety reasons. H. Miller asked if they would also cut down the almost-dead tree as well.

Summer Reading is in progress. A total of 66 kids have signed up for the many different activities planned by library staff. Summer Reading weeks have included: Archaeology Week, Maker Week, Storytelling Week, and Sports Week. Space Week, Art Week and Camping Week are still to come; culminating with the after-hours family camp inside the library on July 21 from 6:30-8:30 PM.

A family donated a Tonie Storytelling Cube for kids and four storytelling figurines in memory of their grandmother who was a lover of libraries.

Director Miller will receive 25% of the Science Kits for Public Libraries Grant now, 50% after the first report and the final 25% soon after, for a total of $1500 to purchase science and engineering kids available for patron check-out. The Board approved H. Miller’s request to purchase half of the equipment and kits ahead and get refunded by the grant later. A motion was made by Rosentreter, seconded by Clark and passed with a unanimous vote.


A motion to adjourn was made by Clark and seconded by Emery. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM

Submitted by Secretary Dana Yowell