Local History and Genealogy
Carlinville Library Genealogy Room holds so many good things...
Information about: Sears homes. Cemeteries. Coal Mines. Family histories. The Carlinville Public Library has a wealth of local and family histories available for the serious researcher or for anyone wishing to pass a couple interesting hours.
The comfortable Zimmer Family Genealogy Room houses Macoupin and surrounding county histories, local church histories, and anecdotal information about Carlinlville and Macoupin county. In addition, the following items are available for in-house use:
- History of Macoupin County Schools
- Dedicated computer containing digital, name searchable copies of all Carlinville newspapers from 1856 through 2013 (many are also on line at: www.fultonhistory.com/my photo albums/all newspapers/index.html -click on "photo albums" section of web address.
- Census records on paper and microfilm
- Local newspapers on microfilm and computer back to the mid-1850s
- Cemetery listings on paper and CD-ROM
- City directories, school directories, and phone books
- County Plat Books from 1911 to recent time
- Marriage records
- Extensive obituary index for the local area
- 1880 Nation Census on CD-ROM
- 2 microfilm reader-printers--one allows you to email or save your information to a flash drive: one makes copies of the information
- 2 copy machines-$.10 for black and white, $.50 for color
- 1 computer for genealogy use only
- Assorted state and regional histories